Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Year One, Letter Fifty-Two

hey everyone.

scripture: D&C 99: 2 - 4

so yeah this is kinda nuts. i have been gone for one year. it is
official. i left exactly one year ago. that means it has been one year
that i have been gone. like, outside of the united states. in brazil.
are you following me? oh mom, it is, in fact, called "HUMP DAY." today
i have hit my hump. and the tradition is burning a shirt. at 6 months
you burn a tie. i burned some tie that i found in ourinhos. but today
or tomorrow we will have a burn fest. i will burn a shirt! it will be
a special moment, believe me.

um so yeah it is crazy how much i have changed and learned. everyone
says i haven´t really changed, but from what i feel, i have changed. i
have learned so much and done so much more than what i ever thought i
would be able to do. it has been pretty cool to push my limits a
little bit.

ummm so the health situation. calm down everyone. haha i called sister
tavares and advised about the situation and i went to a podiatrist
this week. she took out the ingrown toenail. it is feeling much
better. on the other toe, i did a self-surgery to take out the
infected part of the nail but then she cleaned up the job i did and i
am using this medicine on the toe. but you don´t have to worry about
talking with president and all that stuff. i am keeping him updated
and he told me that this is my priority right now. he told me that i
need to get this taken care of asap. so i have gone to the podiatrist
2 times and i have an appointment on monday to go back. so i am taking
care of it. if any problems arise, i will keep you informed and i will
keep president informed.

the boundaries are getting re-organized?? so i will have my homecoming
with a different ward? dang. but i guess it has got to happen.

dad, you can tell Rod hi for me and that there are several
missionaries who are very jealous of me for being able to have that
experience haha. i have told some guys who like golf about that and
they all wished it had been them :)

so the work here is tough. but elder miller and i are working. we have
found some great people. we are still waiting a little for the water,
but these people are progressing very well. arthur needs to go to
church we are waiting a little.

um we got our washing machine today!!!!! but we don´t have laundromats
in brazil. so we were...ummm...suffering a little bit with clothes.
but i was making it work without any bad smells. the only thing that
was difficult was having to use the same pair of socks for two days or
something. but for the most part, we are good. that gold bond foot
powder saved me. unfortunately some of the other missionaries were
suffering with some serious B.O. but we are good now.

MORGAN! you are huge!! but i am super psyched for you guys :)

i don´t have much to report on this week. it is crazy that i have been
here for a year. we might get something to eat to celebrate. but we
are gunna play volleyball with the youth today and we gotta eat first.
so i gotta run.

i love you guys! thank you for the emails as always! i love them. if i
forgot something, let me know and i will remember next week. have a
bomb week...and i will have a spectacular hump day. lol love you!


elder scott ghormley

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Year One, Letter Fifty-One

hey everyone. how are you guys doin??

Scripture: Matthew 26 : 36 - 45 how many times are we sleeping when
Christ needs us? Is His sacrifice for us in vain? i taught about this
last week.

alright. well presidente prudente is...big. and has lots of hills. the
people are...very closed. they don´t really like talking with us. but
it is a cool city. we live in centro. our house is safe. it is a
decent house. it has the best shower that i have seen yet on the
mission. yes, that matters. our washing machine broke last week. so
um...yeah that isn´t good. two ladies in the branch washed our shirts
for us. but socks are running low...and garments, too. yikes.

our address is:

Doutor Gurgel 226, Apt 302
Presidente Prudente, São Paulo
19010 - 020

we don´t make part of a zone. our district is 3 companionships. and it
is just us. me and elder miller. elder almeida and elder loftus. elder
finato and elder ribeiro. 6 missionaries. so we are district
presidente prudente.

the members here are cool. it is the first branch that i have come to
on the mission. there were like 50 people there on sunday. we had a
baptism on saturday. that was cool. the guy was kinda weird about
being baptized, but we taught him one time and set up an interview and
he was baptized and confirmed. he is pretty cool. so my first sunday
was Gospel Principles, there were like 7 people and elder
miller had left really quick with a member. so i showed up and had to
teach. that was great. i taught about honesty. that was the chapter
that we were going to learn about in palmital. so i just went with it.
i was surprised at how well i taught. i wanted to get a high five from
someone. after, we showed up in sacrament and i was just sitting with
Ivanildo (the guy we baptized) and the Branch President was like, "Now
we will hear a talk from our new missionary,
Elder....G...Gorlm...uhhh...Elder G." So I showed up and had to give a
5 to 8 minute impromptu (is that spelled right) talk. i was once again
surprised by the success. but that was the first sunday.

ummm what else? elder miller and i are tight. we are good friends
after one week. we are teaching some cool people. one is a kid named
Arthur. we started teaching him my first day here. he is way cool. he
wants to be baptized. he has smoked since he was 11 years old. but it
has been one week now that he hasn´t smoked. we took some of the young
men and young women to teach him. it was hilarious. arthur´s best
friend is a recent convert and really likes a girl in the young women.
now arthur likes that girl´s best friend. arthur and bruno were
giggling like little school girls when we said that we would bring
those girls back with the young adults when we went back to teach. did
you follow that? if not, just laugh. it was funny.

ummm yeah so that is what we are working with. i am still having
problems in my toes. my left big toe had some kind of infection in the
nail. i cut that part of the nail out. now i am missing about 30
percent of my nail on that toe. and my right big toe is ingrown again.
hurts. bad. but even so, we played soccer today with the young men.
that was fun. we are also going to go bowling. i will take some
pictures. well that is my big report for the week.

any questions??

morgan! your baby boy is going to be big. and you aren´t very big. so does that work?? do you think they will have to do like a c
section or something??

mom and dad! you guys are going to finish one more project!! wowzers.
i am excited to see how the office looks! you guys are such good

dad....these sport updates are so sad. arizona is about to disappear
from the sports world again. and golf reports are depressing. mainly
because i can´t play :( how is your game doing dad?? has blake been
playing with you or anything?? where is your handicap right now?? are tronky. haha. i can´t believe that you are talking
about the one year mark. i haven´t got there yet!! but i hope
everything goes good with the redecorating and i hope that you like
your new roommates :)

ummmm that is me this week. i love you guys!!! i hope that you guys
are all just loving summer. i bet it isn´t hot at all. but anywho.
miss you all. you are all spectacular. :)

elder scott ghormley

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Year One, Letter Fifty

hey everyone. well. let´s find out what happened.

scripture: Matthew 10: 16 - 22

i wrote jake a letter and an email. i don´t know if he got either. i
have been praying for him and deanna and the wayne´s every moment. i
hope they are coping well. they are strong.

the baby experiences just make me laugh. the baby stuff today is just
outta control. but whatev. i am glad that is going well. it sounds
like moe and stu are having fun with the classes on how to have a baby
and what they need to do to prepare. good stuff. i hope that they
really enjoy the breathing practices. i am sorry about the bugs and
scorpions, moe. that is no good. and the DMV sounds fun. at least you
can drive. lol. i can´t.

i am glad to hear that lauren is doing well again. that scares me to
hear about that kinda stuff. but i believe in god´s promise that our
families are protected when we are serving.

i am sad that i am officially moved out of my room that i have lived
in since i was 5 years old. but what can ya do. it was necessary.

sounds like the fireplace and the glass block wall are keeping you
guys quite busy. you guys are always working. you guys definitely
taught a principle to all of us - work. don´t worry aren´t
SUCH a bone-head. i mean it is a very common mistake to forget to
clean the crap out of blocks. i do that all the time. we still love

i am glad to hear that tyson will be getting his call soon. i hope he
gets to go to some place cool. of course he will go to where he needs
to be.

speaking of going to where we need to be...we have arrived at the bad
news. i guess sometimes we have to just take steps in the dark. we
don´t always understand why, we just have to have faith. that is what
i did today. elder hardyman left yesterday. and i was transferred.
today. palmital B was going nuts. investigators, lessons, everything.
and now president took me out and put elder barros back with another
missionary. i was sent to presidente prudente. it was where barros
was. he just traded our places. i don´t understand it AT ALL. we had
SO many people ready for baptism. junior and mariele? joão, edna, and
mateus? Antonia and fernanda? Cassia and Renato? Bianca? Soraya?
EVERYONE. i guess i am just meant to prepare people or something along
those lines and then another missionary will come and collect the
fruits. i mean i can´t understand why president tavares would take me
out and leave it to two other elders. barros doesn´t know any of our
investigators. he just knows where some of the lunches are. so i don´t
get it. i am lost. literally. i have taken the step into the dark and
the light hasn´t come on. if anyone can explain this to me, i would
like to know. but i just have to trust in the Lord. he knows. i prayed
and prayed and the only thing i felt was that it was necessary to stay
here. i talked with president and he said he didn´t know why i was
being sent out either. he said he prayed and fasted but he just felt
that it was necessary because he needed changes. i don´t get it. i am
sad because now i don´t know what will happen with our investigators.
the entire district stayed. just me and H-man left. and we were
putting up the best numbers by a long shot. i know numbers aren´t the
important thing. but we were blowing the other companionships away

now i am with elder miller. he is from texas. i don´t know much about
him. i like him so far. he seems cool and funny. we will see. he is at
1 year and a half.

well. that is my news.

i gotta run already. my p-day was cut short because of the 4 hour bus
ride. i love you guys. i will pray for you all. and i hope you pray
not only for me, but for all of the investigators in Palmital B. they
need it. they need to keep learning and following the gospel. i love
you all. thank you so much. summer is ending there! meaning summer
will start here. i don´t think winter ever showed up.

till next week. tchau!

elder scott ghormley

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Year One, Letter Forty-Nine

hey everyone. thanks for the emails. it was splendid to hear from you all. splendid. what a good word choice.

anywho. so this week was a little more...chill. at least there weren´t any guns in our faces or anything like that.

scripture: D&C 88: 124 - 126 i don´t agree with the parts about sleeping. i follow it, because it is scripture and all. but i don´t like it.

MOM!!!!!!! i am so sorry. i wrote in my planner and in my journal about your birthday, but i forgot to write it in the email. i felt horrible. i wanted to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! it is late, but i sang horribly just so you know. I LOVE YOU!!!

that was really rough to hear about David Wayne. it was something that i wasn´t expecting or wanting to hear. jake´s letter said that david was improving greatly. maybe after their family reunion, it was just his time. maybe that was just something that the family needed...those last memories of him. but i am glad to hear that his testimony was strong. i am going to miss him. give the family my best and i will pray for them.

my interview with president was good. he is a good guy. he gave me a blessing and that was way powerful.

i got the USB drive. but it will be a while before i see Barros probably. and i am not going to send it before he pays. lol

i have been rotating the two pairs of shoes and i will be conditioning them soon. i think i will let you know if and when i need a new pair.
but for now, i will keep going with these ones.

that sounds like the storms are really tearing it up there. are you guys okay? anything bad happening to the house?? it sounds like mom has been busy with the remodeling. do i really have to move out of my room?? i am already used to the blistering heat when i am sleeping.
maybe i can just stay there and it won´t be too rough to get used to?
i like my is a special room. haha

i was way concerned about lauren. is everything okay? has she gone to the hospital?? are you okay lauren?! you can´t just tell me that there was a bad car accident and leave me hanging! that scares me.

sounds like morgan and stu are doing good. and are much more important than strangers, potted plants, or chopped liver. :) but how am i supposed to end an email?! i thought that was a loving and encouraging way to get you pumped to have a good summer and be awesome. jackson scott is a tight name. i am proud of your choice. i was gunna name my kid jackson or jaxon. but now i don´t know. and i am glad that the missionaries helped with the move. we have a service project tomorrow. super excited. and don´t are going to be amazing parents. :)

it sounds like blake and dad had a blast with the fishing...and that the monsoons are hitting all of the good ole USA. tempe dam burst?

well some great news this week. carol was baptized. she asked me if i could baptize her on saturday, so we had the interview and she was ready. so on sunday we had her baptism. it was way special. we had 4 investigators there, too. her parents - Renato and Cassia - and Antonia and Fernanda. they all have baptism dates, as well. and at least 3 are firm investigators. we had 13 investigators at church.
elders crosbie and sorenson had 8. overall, we had 21 in church on sunday. that was a record since this ward has been opened. the members were so psyched. especially the gospel principles teacher. of the 13, Soraya, Cassia, Renato, Antonia, Fernanda, Luiz (our jehovah´s witness investigator), Elton, Fabio, and Claudia have potential baptism dates.
Carol was the first of her family. We will see what this weekend brings. but we also have Junior and Mariele that are preparing as well, but that will delay a little more. overall, great week. tons of work.

this transfer went so quick. it is the last week of the transfer.
h-man will be heading home. i am way sad. the first time that i am legitimately sad for losing a comp. now i will have to see who the newbie will be. he got his last brazilian haircut today! what a lucky guy. i am counting the haircuts down until i can have lauren cut my hair. today wasn´t SO awful. but lauren can definitely do better.

um well we are working lots. and i am loving it. i am tired. but we are seeing some results. we are teaching some very intelligent people.
we are just hoping that they will receive answers and recognize the answers that God is giving them.

well we are gunna head to a churrascaria. we gotta eat good for h-man´s last p-day lunch. love you guys!! stay safe...and stay away from storms. i will stay away from guys with guns. love you all. till next week!

elder scott ghormley