Monday, November 16, 2009
Year One, Letter Twelve

So hello everyone. It doesn´t seem like it was too long ago that I was sending an email to you guys but this week went pretty quick. A few of the days drag, but the week went pretty quick.
So favorite scripture: D&C 121: 7 - 8. Patience, patience, patience. Yes, I need it. My journal tells me that every time I write at night. But everyone in my family - meaning...all of you guys - knows that if there is one thing I lack, it is patience. Goodness. Why does that have to be such a necessary attribute??
Dad: I am sorry but no one will give me or no one has my permanent address at the moment. I am living above this pharmacy in a city called Morumbi. We aren´t too far from the Falls. I have been informed that we will be going December 7th to the Falls. How sick is that?? But I am sorry that I don´t have a permanent address. When I get transferred, or finally move into the house that Elder Cabral and I are supposed to be in, I will know. But as of now, I am stuck in the same house. 6 elders in one room (because it is the only room with AC). It smells great. Believe me...
Mom: I will definitely get a picture with the falls in the background when we go. I have only seen pictures of them, but they are spectacular. they are going to be added to the wonders of the world when they get updated in 2013 i think.
Dad: I am glad that your hand is all better!! No surgery?? I would say an incredibly, incredibly painful shot directly into your thumb is a lot better than that...I think? But you better keep practicing...because two years without touching a golf club is just going to improve my game...Oh and I would suggest not using the gofl carts as bumper carts. I got in trouble for that when i worked at superstition :)
I am glad the Book of Mormon reading is going so well. Read it in Portuguese and English :) that is what I am doing. I am in Alma in English. And First Nephi in Portuguese. Lol. I never thought I would want more time just to read the Book of Mormon.
The suns are killing it huh?? That is surprising. Go figure all we needed to do was keep Marion. GREAT!! lol. but that is awesome to hear. I hope they keep doing well. That SUCKS that the yankees won the world series. who did they beat?
I decided that my email last week kinda sounded pathetic. I was complaining and I shouldn´t be. I mean yes, it is hotter and more humid than any other place in Southern Brazil (yes, that IS a fact), but I am a missionary. I am serving the Lord in a country 10,000 miles from home. I mean how awesome of a calling is that? I have found that I am almost becoming a little more accustomed to the weather. My feet don´t like it. Sweaty socks means blisters. Blisters the size of my thumb. 3 of them, if you were wondering. I haven´t had anything really bad growing like fungi or mold, but i will use that cream if i see anything fishy. But anyway. I know that this is the greatest work that I could ever be a part of. I love that I can help these people, I just want to be able to help them MORE than I am able to. Once I learn this language, I think I will be able to help SO many more people. But even when I do, it is still so hard to see these people who seem so interested fall through. Now i know why they told us that we will have the most joy and the most sorrow that we have ever felt in our lives on our missions. But when we have success, it is so cool. Right now, we have 5 people - Lucas, Tais, Charles, Jackeline, and Junior - all preparing for baptism either the 22nd or the 29th. We are praying that they will keep following through on their commitments and everything.
So elder cabral is a great missionary. he has his weird things and annoying things, but i am sure he gets annoyed at me constantly asking him to repeat stuff or if i get frustrated at some concept of the language. so we get along well. we are actually pretty good friends. i hope i get to stay with him for more than just this transfer, but this is his third transfer here, so he will probably be leaving after this one. But he is helping me learn the language and helping me get into the customs and culture. it wasn´t really that big of a culture shock for some reason. most of the people are incredibly nice, so it is easy to get along with them.
i am glad you reminded me of your story, mom. because that is something i will need to keep in mind. the lord prepares the people who are going to accept you, you just have to follow the spirit to them. our investigators right now are really great from what i can see and i think they would be willing to make changes, especially since a lot of them are my age or younger, so they haven´t really got into anything too bad yet. i hope we can help them to stay that way.
Lauren: that is so cool that you are going to be doing the baptisms for all of those names. remember to write in your journal about the feelings you have. the spirit can teach you when you remember the feelings when it is most strong. the other day we weren´t having any success at all, so elder cabral and i both said a prayer and then as i was walking down the street i started singing "the spirit of god" and the spirit was so strong. i felt such a change in everything. we ended up finding and teaching Lucas and Tais, who are now preparing for baptism. it is amazing what the spirit can do.
oh ok christmas package. this is spectacular. um these are kinda the necessities and wants and necessities.
"EXTRA" Gum. Lots of it. POLAR ICE please. :) Altoids? STICK DEODORANT!! AXE is the best here. Anything that is gel is bad. but the white stick deodorant is a necessity and they don´t sell it here. Uni-Ball black pens! I need good black pens and they are expensive here. Gold Bond Powder?? Candy? Eh, eh? like butterfingers and milky ways and stuff. Oreos?? Skittles? OH! M&Ms!! Peanut butter kind. or plain. or both. lol. A hacky sack? a racquet ball? a stress ball that you squeeze in your hands? Gatorade powder packs? Um a cool tie?
How is TJ doing? I don´t really have time to email anyone else other than the family. How are Jackson and Connor doing?? What about Hyrum?? Is he getting way excited?? Tell him Hi for me please and tell him that I am psyched for him to get out into the field and getting into this work!!
I am sorry but i just got a notice that my time is almost up!! I am sorry if i didn´t get to respond to everyone´s questions!! i love you all and you are all always in my thoughts!!
I love you!
Elder Scott Ghormley
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