Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Year One, Letter Twenty

E AI!!!

what up everyone?? holy crap the whole world at home is changing. blake moved out?! what is his new address?! and who is he living with? and is it a house or an apartment? and lauren?! how is provo?? i already got an email saying it was going great. i hope you are enjoying yourself IMMENSELY. elder vander was determined to marry you...but when i said you were moving to provo he nearly cried. actually, i am pretty sure he cried. but i am glad you are having fun :) and don´t worry about the job and the math and stuff. just think...when i get home i won´t know a thing :) but what is her address?! and morgan and stuart are 25?? so young. calm down are still young. it is ok. and mom and dad...empty nesters. but it is ok. you guys will be saving lots of money. i am sending a letter home ASAP with a letter in portuguese to blake and a letter to mom and dad explaining why it is actually a good thing that you are the only two at home, and my memory card. everything is already ready to send, but the post office is forever away. and we never pass it because it isn´t in our area.

OK! so my new address is:

Rio de Janeiro 686
Jardim Maracana
Foz do Iguaçu, PR
85852 - 050

and my scripture for the week is Jacob 3: 1-2. talks about how we need to focus ETERNALLY and not just on the things of the world that are, in all reality, not very important. oh and everyone read 1 Nephi 17. it is pretty cool. i passed it during my study and thought it was legit...2 legit...2 legit 2 quit!! yeah...i stole that from brie. it is from HOT ROD. hilarious movie. you should watch it some time.

ummmm so what happened this week?? pretty cool stuff. josé received the holy ghost on sunday. he was quiet during the whole blessing - surprisingly. he has a habit of telling...whoever is talk LOUDER. but he just kinda walks up to the person in the middle of the lesson and shouts it. lol hilarious. but caroline was baptized. that was awesome. her mom was a little against it but we promised that we would continue visiting her to make sure everything was fine, so she is good. and caroline was so happy. she was beaming when she came up out of the water. um we were working in a different neighborhood the other day and we found this lady that let us come in but was very tentative and kinda scared of us so it was tough to teach. but then we had a little miracle. there is this guy that lives next to us. i already taught him before elder vander got here. but he showed up at this house because he is friends with the lady and her husband. he isn´t a member, but when he saw me he was like, "ELDER Ghjasdtjknvapasif!!!! (< ---- that was as close as he could get) That American is cool...listen to their message it is awesome!" that is the translation anyway. it makes more sense and sounds...not so weird...when you hear it in portuguese. but yeah that was awesome. now she is a new investigator and she was WAY interested in the lesson. so we will see how that goes. we also have a family of 4 that moved here. and we are teaching them already because of another miracle...they moved here from Elder Vander´s last area and he already taught them once. they already said they wanna be baptized. yeah miracle. so pray that elder vander and I stay companions and stay in this area for one more transfer. because we have some serious potential here. the name of the lady is lia. and the family is acildes, patricia, aline, and juliane. pray for them too :)

anyway, so things at home are nuts. based on the letters haha. I CAN`T BELIEVE I MISSED THE CARDINALS GAME!!!! holy crap that sounds nuts! yeah, i already read the story that dad sent. i can´t believe that. they better work their butts off this week if they wanna be ready for the saints. that would be so cool if my prediction actually comes true. i will cross my fingers. whether or not i am in the country, i want them to win the super bowl.

morgan sounds like she is having a ball. haha stuart is back to the grindstone and morgan lacks projects. maybe you can ask mom and dad? they are always good at discovering projects... :)

ok so i am running out of time...

but hawaii for mom and dad for a week?! yeah jealous again.

and a new stake presidency and elder oaks is coming?? crazy cool again. elder neil a anderson is coming to my ward this week. talk about nuts. i will talk with him in portuguese too. how cool is that?? yeah the portuguese is coming. it is getting lots better cuz i can only talk with e vander in portuguese.

i have two videos that i need to send you from our ward activity and from a lunch elder vander and i made. they are hilarious but i will probably be sending them a little later this week.

um we don´t have air conditiong! just two fans. but whatever. we deal with it. for the most part lol. and the rashes and bug bites...well they are still there. haha the bug bites just get continuously worse. but what can you do? that is Brazil. i am positive it is bed bugs, but i can´t put my mattress outside because then it could be stolen. yikes!

but anyway! i gotta go! i love you all so much! happy birthday to blake on the 19th! i love you guys!


e scott ghormley

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