Thursday, June 3, 2010

Year One, Letter Forty

Hi everyone. how are you? so one more time, there is much to report.

We are studying the atonement (or at least i am). this is my replacement for scripture this week.

"None Were with Him" - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

alright, so the whole ipod business - you don´t have to worry about it. i am not with elder santana anymore. it is just my curse. i got a tight companion in the ctm and now me and elder yuma are like best friends. the curse? i don´t get cool comps in the field. i got elder guerrette. i was only with him for 4 weeks and then i got emergency transferred from Foz do Iguaçu to Ourinhos. Then i get Santana and i finally think that we are going to get going in Ourinhos because i don´t have to deal with da Silva anymore. We were comps...almost 2 weeks. Then I get emergency transferred from Ourinhos to Palmital. It is in Marília, São Paulo. We had three families that we were working with way hard and we had just figured out what we were doing after the changes that i made and now i get transferred. Poor Santana is in Ourinhos. He has no idea what he is doing in the area. he has no idea where members live or how to get around the city. but the emergency transfer just had to happen. so i got transferred into Elder Yuma´s district. the horrible news? he got transferred out. i am so lucky.

now i am with elder Barros. He is from Minas Gerais, but he speaks with an accent from the Northeast. he is in his third transfer and will hit the 4 month point in a couple weeks. he is cool, but he thinks...a lot...about his girlfriend. his trainer was a slacker hardcore. so we have 3 "investigators" that they have taught. and none of them have been taught more than once. everyone says that this area is full of Jehova´s Witnesses, and that it is way tough and no one has had much success here lately. God sent me here. I have a purpose here.
I gotta get to work. I´m sad that right when i started liking my area and i had a cool comp and i was starting to see the seeds start to grow, i got transferred. it is way sad to me. but i just gotta take it as it comes. elder santana called me this morning and i was just teaching him everything about the area and planning the lessons that i WOULD HAVE taught to our investigators if i had had time. he is scared and just lost.
i just have to accept that this is what was supposed to happen.

ummm so that is that. i had to pack everything in like an hour. that was incredibly rough. you would think packing two years into a few bags in an hour would be easy right? it isn´t. especially with dirty clothes and stuff.

can you send me the recipe for the brownies that we make at home?
can you send it in the next email?

the new address here is:

Francisco Martineli 484
Parque das Camelias
Marília, São Paulo

that is that.

as a few random side notes:

a bird pooped on my head the other day. we were just walking. open sky, no trees above us or anything. and then i feel something hit my head. i thought someone threw something at me. no one did. then i thought Brazil was able to rain without rain clouds. i am sure it can, but it wasn´t. and then i feel my head. and there was crap. i wanted to kill that bird.

we (when i was in Ourinhos) didn´t have hot water for 4 days. the shower head broke, so it just had freezing - and i mean FREEZING - water. oh my gosh it was awful. it was the first time in my mission that i wanted to sleep without taking a shower. but that is just nasty. so i suffered the coldest shower of my life. for 4 days.

anyway. so as for morgan´s question. i don´t know what happened in my head to make me start liking or eating tomatoes. i had been eating them just because -even though i always SAID that they weren´t healthy - i knew they were healthy.
so i was like, "alright, you gotta stay healthy, just eat them." and then i kept eating and after a few times it wasn´t WAAAAAY bad. and then i just start making mixes with chicken and rice and beans and such and they were good. i think it is because i had a bad experience the first time, and then mom and dad ALWAYS said eat your tomatoes, and i didn´t want to haha.
that is my theory.

as for the birds who have always been kicking up the rocks....that is why we need BB guns.
it is a must. instead, we just had to take the blame. that is rough.
i am really put out right now. lol

anyway. so i am kinda nervous right now. i have to just start over again. in a house with 4 missionaries this time. and this house is NASTY. absolutely gross. it is not a place for an OCD person...or anyone who likes to be neat. and i am NOT going to do deep clean this time. no way.

but i will just go. i love you all! i hope everything is going great.
i hope you all are great and that you guys are all doing well with...the stuff you all do :)
i gotta take off. love you all. tchau!

elder scott ghormley

P.S. my comp, my NEW comp lol, was wondering how much a USB drive is (like the one you sent in the package) in the states. he was wondering if he could have one sent in my package or another package or something because - once again - it is way expensive here. is there a USB drive that is only like 10 or 15 bucks? what do you think? let me know. love you!

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