Thursday, September 23, 2010

Year Two, Letter Four

hi there.

maybe you guys are getting as sick of this as i am....but more changes. this last transfer ended on sunday, and once again, i don´t even have time to get used to a comp. elder miller was transferred. i am going on to my 10th companion now. everyone says that our mission is really weird about transfers. rather than stay with a comp for a couple transfers, the president just makes a ton of changes. a few returned missionaries in our district just said that when they were on their missions, they would stay for at least a couple transfers with the same comp in the same area. it just doesn´t make a lot of sense...i mean you barely have time to get used to one form of teaching with one comp, and then when you can actually start working on improving and mastering, you have to get a different comp. elder miller and i were way good friends and this transfer flew by so dang quick...but now i have to get one more comp...

his name is elder fernandes. he is from Amapá and he is 25. he was elder yuma´s comp. yuma told me a lot of stories about their time as comps. from what i have heard, he is quite immature and he complains about like...everything. but i better not judge. i gotta give the kid a chance. i really just want to have a fun transfer and work. i guess i gotta just trust in God as always.

ummm i wish i was there to see my nephew. i am glad you are recovering morgan. i am sure you are gunna be an awesome mom :) and when he gets all fussy and stuff, just will only last for a few years? just keep truckin :)

it sounds like this Scott Springer guy is pretty cool. So his whole family are members, but he wasn´t baptized yet? that is great that he is finally making that choice. how are you two (Dad and Mom) liking the mission callings?? are the two sisters for our entire stake? or just our ward? we don´t have any help whatsoever for our missionary work. our ward mission leader hasn´t showed up for the last 2 weeks for our meeting and when i talk to him about it he just whines and complains that he is too busy. but i guess we gotta just keep fighting and teaching the people here. when it comes down to it, the most important thing we can do is teach people about Christ. i guess we gotta just endure and be happy in our moments of difficulty so that we can grow and become stronger. i wish i was working with you guys and our ward´s mission crew haha. who teaches the gospel principles class?

as for our investigators:

José Roberto: he didn´t get baptized. i guess he was too busy this last week and never had time to remember the 3 appointments that we had with him. but he wants to get baptized this saturday. the problem?
we have to allow some time to make sure he won´t fall back into old habits. but he broke up with rosa (the member from our branch) and she was way pissed because of that. so i don´t know how this will work out in our branch....

Sérgio: this is Sandra´s boyfriend. she is also a member. they aren´t living together. but we still had to be careful teaching the law of chastity. he has gone to church several times and i believe that i will have to set up an appointment with him tonight or tomorrow and i think we will challenge him to be baptized next saturday. he lives outside city limits, so it is tough to teach him. but he is a very quiet, chill guy.

Cambucí Crew: Jonathan (Light), Alex, and Leandro didn´t go to church.
the first two have more potential. we gotta get them to keep going to church and we gotta get them to build some friendship in the branch...with all of the members that are so eager to...not help.but we have some cool young men here who will help us out. I don´t know how well elder fernandes will mesh with them though. me and elder miller just fit together and worked really well together and they thought we were really cool missionaries but, more importantly, friends. but fernandes seems a little timid...or nerdy. lol. but he is my new comp. i gotta learn to love him. maybe he has a special something that these kids need to
see or learn and that is why he is here?

Hélio and Nalva: They still need to get married. And they need to keep the word of wisdom. And we just received some crazy info...Hélio had an interesting job choice about 14 years ago. A job choice that forced him to leave the state where he used to live for fear of death. He used to be a hitman. SO ummm....we have got a LONG road before their baptism. president tavares will have to approve an interview and he will have to do it personally. but that is a ways away.

Roberta´s Family: we will see what to do there. they didn´t go to church.
so now we will have to see.

Now, we just have to start working more and more to find new investigators and such. i am gunna have to take control and get our references organized and just start doing what i was doing in Marília.
And we are gunna have to pray a lot.

did you guys finish the office? is it cool?

hey blake...what is the email address that you are sending your letters to? because i don´t know if i am getting all of them that you are sending.

everyone can go on a scripture hunt this week. read matthew 5:48 and then read 3 Nephi 12:48 and 27:27 and tell me how that is another testimony that the book of mormon is true. you can look at the example of Christ´s baptism in Matthew as well and compare it to 2 Nephi 31: 3
- 9 to get a hint. whoever gets it right will win a high five via internet.

so i guess that is all i have for interesting stuff. ummm thanks everyone for your support. i know i don´t say it enough...but you guys are so important to me. thank you for everything and for your examples. i love you guys! keep seeking a deeper, more important relationship with Christ in your lives. till next week. TCHAUZÃO!

elder scott ghormley

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