Thursday, September 30, 2010

Year Two, Letter Five


sorry for the delay! we started using email and then we had to leave because the lan house decided that it would stop working and all the computers went out. but let´s go.

alright so this week was difficult, but productive in some ways.

it has been raining nonstop since friday night/saturday morning. so that was kinda annoying. we had a bunch of people ready to go to church, and they didn´t go because of the rain. i can´t handle that excuse. but we had a couple girls - Lillian and Jennifer - that went with us. that was cool. Lillian is a great investigator. She has some great questions and she is a lot more mature.

elder fernandes is a lot different. we don´t laugh nearly as much as miller and i. actually, we rarely laugh. ummm we had a conversation a few nights ago that really hit me the wrong way.
he flat out told me that he is a missionary that just worries about numbers. whether or not a person stays strong in the church isn´t his priority. he just wants to have a ton of numbers and that is the only concern he has. he wants to baptize anyone...whether or not they are ready to be baptized. so i kinda burned him a little bit...not too harshly or anything. but i will NOT be a numbers missionary. that isn´t me.

but fernandes is currently in Marília for a conference so i am just staying with elders loftus and almeida. we are going to have so much work to do with our investigators when he gets back. josé roberto is still doing well and sérgio, but they have zero support from the branch here. the branch president was trying to tell us what we were allowed to do and stuff and i basically just said that we have the priesthood keys to teach and baptize the people and that the branch was responsible for retaining the people. he doesn´t like missionaries because of certain missionaries that came through here.

but whatever. we just work...and work...and work. and that is what we gotta do. if people don´t like us, that is their problem. we have some good people that we are teaching, but i hope that they will still be interested after a delay of not teaching them. that is the problem with not being able to go there and teach frequently...the enemy is always working. just pray that our investigators will stay interested!

ummmm what other updates do i have...

congratulations on the successful baptism!!! scott springer will be forever grateful for the love and help that you are giving him. and his family, as well, will never forget it.

i am SO excited for conference. I am psyched. but we won´t be allowed to watch the priesthood session. there is the 9:00 to 11:00 transmission on saturday night, so we can´t watch. and then the re-transmission is at 6:00 AM on sunday, so we can´t watch that one either. but i will watch the other sessions...i hope.

the office looks AMAZING! you guys did an amazing job.

i hope Wendy is doing okay. is Bob still alive? is he in the hospital still? that is a really rough situation. i hope she is okay.

my nephew looks excellent. is his cold better? i wonder if his cheeks can get any bigger? do you think it is possible? i bet i was chubbier than him when i was a baby!

i hope that sports start getting more interesting. hey dad, i hope you beat everyone in the catholic golf tournament again. that would be excellent.

ummm i was thinking...if it would be possible to send a package soonish, i have a few requests. good, quality toothbrushes because a quality toothbrush here is way expensive. i hate import taxes. and then one of those buzzers that blake got after the mission with the various attachments. that would be splendid if it were possible.

alright well i saved my big time trunky comment until the very end.
here it goes....

you guys will never again receive an email from me as a missionary in the month of september. ever.

i was going to say this at the end of august...but i don´t know if i will still be here in august or not. i might have to come home early for school and i haven´t really thought a lot about that, so i don´t know what will happen there. so i decided that i would say it at the end of september :) don´t get too trunky!!

i love you guys and i hope that you guys avoid the cold :) keep being awesome like always. i miss you guys and love you guys :) untillll next week. peace. tchau

elder scott ghormley

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