Thursday, January 6, 2011

Year Two, Letter Nineteen

Hey everyone! Happy 2011! Dang...2010 is over? louco.

so i am just sayin...that blog that morgan made has a picture of the
house that i lived in when i was in Foz do IguaƧu. that means that
since 2009, that picture has been there. i don´t live in Foz anymore.
you can put a picture on Cascavel in there :) haha

scripture: D&C 11: 20 - 21, 24 - 25, 28 - 30. that is all one
scripture of the week.

So this week has been interesting. With Christmas and New Year´s,
missionary work becomes nearly impossible. but we were working still
and there were some blessings. On New Year´s, we were walking to a
neighborhood and some lady called us over and was like, "
guys work on NEW YEAR´S, too??" so we started talking and it turns out
she has already gone to church several times and even had a nephew or
something like that serve a mission. she didn´t want the missionaries
to come over ever to teach because she didn´t want to involve herself
in the church; but when we started talking i asked if we could write
her address down and teach her about how the church was restored and
how she could follow Christ being baptized like He was and she
accepted. she doesn´t live in our area, but the other elders said that
she was way cool.

we were fasting this last sunday to find people who we could teach who
would hear our message and have a true desire to follow the answer to
their prayers. well...we received quite a few blessings for our fast.
we now have quite a few people to teach, some of which have some
serious potential. we were contacting a reference one day and the guy
i talked with didn´t want anything to do with us. but when we were
leaving, i looked up and saw a lady outside the house on the other
side of the street. i just felt like we needed to talk with her. turns
out that a few months ago, they heard the missionaries and the
missionaries taught a few times and the family even went to church.
but then the missionaries just never went back. they just disappeared.
the family probably needs to be married. but that is okay. the guy -
Juhny - already prayed and received an answer. he even read a few
parts of the Book of Mormon and believes it is true. they are a young
family. yesterday, after lunch, we went there. We met with Moira (the
wife) in the street and she said he was sick. so we went there and he
let us in anyway. he was WAY sick. stomach virus. but we left a
message and explained about priesthood authority to give blessings. he
asked for a blessing and when we were leaving, Moira was like, "hey
wait! are you guys going to come back?" and i just laughed and said, "
well of course we wanna come back!" and she goes, "well the other
times, the missionaries would write it down in that little agenda (our
planners) the time and day that they would return. but one time, they
didn´t mark anything and they never came back. so when will you guys
come back??" so that was pretty cool. i like their family.

we are doin okay here. president is happy with the work and the
attitude that i have but not so much with E. Ferreira. ferreira just
isn´t excited or happy about anything. president and E. Cavalcanti
just keep saying that it is just how he is. but i dunno. it sucks to
work the entire day with someone who doesn´t talk or laugh or smile or
anything. when he teaches, the people are dying. he teaches in the
same, monotonous tone and the people are in some other world when he
teaches. he doesn´t include the people in the lessons and doesn´t
listen to me when i try and help him. he just keeps saying that 2
years of this is going to suck. so i am just trying to do my best to
stay happy.

i am way psyched about this area. it is a huge area, but there is a
lot of hope and potential. my legs are gunna kill me at the end of
each day, but i know that we are going to find a lot of awesome
people. maybe that will get things going for my comp.

my only health problem is that the gums of my teeth are going up if
that makes sense. they are receding. so the nerves of several teeth
are exposed. 2 in particular are hurting a lot. whenever i brush my
teeth, it hurts. the two that hurt a lot are the ones on each side of
the two front teeth. the two that are sharper ya know? so it kinda
sucks but i don´t know what to do.

i love you guys. i loved the pictures, too. jackson is kinda
ridiculous in a good way. he makes me laugh just seeing pics.

morgan - i need a gym a lot more than you :) haha

mom - i really hope that you are feeling better!

dad - i will win in golf. i am just saying it now. i don´t know when i
will have time to get back in form....but i will win :)

blake - do you still use the same email address, criatura??

love you all! happy new year!

elder scott ghormley

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