Thursday, January 20, 2011

Year Two, Letter Twenty-one

hey everyone. what's going on?

my scripture can be Alma 29. the whole chapter. it is way bomb. it is
about missionary work. it kinda helped me to remember some things.

um so this week was tiring. we were running all over the place to
teach and get people prepared for stuff. the end result? ISAÍAS WAS
BAPTIZED! On saturday night, we had an awesome baptismal service.
Isaías was way psyched. He was so happy after his baptism. It was
awesome getting to see that. He is such a humble, great guy. He was
confirmed on Sunday. That was also awesome. He has a firm testimony
that this is the true church. we are going to continue teaching and
strengthening him.

we were also running all over the place to teach wesley and eduardo.
they are being prepared for this week. at least that is our goal. we
want to end this transfer with their baptism. the only problem is that
wesley will be traveling to foz do iguaçu this week. so we won´t be
able to accompany or teach him. :(

we also went to Foz this week. we had a zone conference there.
president asked me to give a talk in the conference about courage and
why we need courage in this work and what we need to do to develop
this attribute of Jesus Christ. It was a good experience. the
conference was good. when we got there, i had this huge flashback of
when i was getting to brazil for the first time. like my first area in
Foz and all that stuff. It was a crazy moment. we ate at a restaurant
that i ate at so much when i was in foz. it was crazzzzy. but that
made work even more difficult.

ummm legal issues are all taken care of. You guys don´t need to worry
about that.

mom, don´t worry about sending me toothpaste. i mean packages are
already way expensive ya know? i haven´t gotten a card from grandma
arlene. but i got the package that grandpa bruce and grandma jackie
sent. it was so nice of them! can you do me a favor and tell them that
i will be sending them a letter this week? i don´t know when it will
get there, but tell them that i will send it this week!

sounds like the dating world is just spectacular. blake and lauren are
thriving huh? i have a close relationship with my journal. i bet that
is the closest thing to a girlfriend i have. i share my deepest
concerns and thoughts with her. sometimes we like to joke around with
each other. my journal really understands my sense of humor. what a

ummm i don´t know what else happened. my comp is still a little bleh.
i went on divisions this week just because i couldn´t handle the
negative attitude. i have talked with him several times about it but
he doesn´t change. so i just try to forget about it.

i am way tired. my body is just tired. i mean a year and however many
months of proselyting has really broken my body. but we are gunna keep
going. i love this work. i love investigators who actually have the
desire to progress.

yo blake! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! i won´t have the opportunity this week
to say anything. so happy birthday. i am sure that megan will give you
your birthday kisses, so i won´t need to. mas espero que seja legal e
que vc não cause muitos problemas :) te amo mano e é provável que eu
vá estar no seu próximo aniversário ;)

we killed the cockroaches this week. it was gross. we have already
found like 50 dead ones. gross.

well i guess i am gunna go. love you guys. i hope you have an awesome
week. lauren...that earthquake business is no good. be prepared. and
pray. LOVE YOU GUYS! tchau!

elder scott ghormley

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