Monday, December 28, 2009
Year One, Letter Eighteen
Monday, December 21, 2009
Year One, Letter Seventeen
ok scripture of the week: ummm let´s go with John 3: 16 - 17. kinda a favorite especially when it is christmas and everyone needs to remember the real purpose of it. by the way mom...that thing about the wise men is awesome. i never knew that was what the presents represented. it was really cool to know that.
anywayyyyy. so i am pumped for this whole first christmas in brazil deal. i mean it is the first time in my entire life that i will be spending christmas away from my family, so that kinda sucks. but it is kinda cool to think that the reason is because i am a missionary in brazil. i am sure blake can relate. and dad. don´t worry, i remember that you did, in fact, serve a mission, too. but yeah. totally psyched to call you guys. you need to call before 6:00 PM our time. i think there is a 5 hour difference. so call at like 12:00 or 12:30 or something. sister gonzales will be using the phone at 6:00, so make sure you call before that. i am sorry if this calling schedule throws off the christmas movie. i wish i had more information, but none of the missionaries that i am with know anything. sorry. but i won´t be calling at all to let you know when to call. so here is how i think it is: you guys call at like 12:00 which is like 5:00 our time. then we talk. :) and we talk for however long you have those calling cards. i think that is right. ok??
anyway. sorry. ummm this week was great. isabel and jackeline were baptized. :) i am still sick, and it didn´t help that we were walking more and working more. elder vander is a hard worker. but he doesn´t always plan everything in a good way. so we walk a lot more than necessary sometimes. but i have taken over the mapping out of our references, so it is better now. anyway. despite the sickness, the baptism was amazing. it was so awesome. and don´t worry! i am getting lots of pictures, i just can´t send them all. i think i will just send the memory card home so you can take all the pictures off and then send it back, because i have an extra memory card, too. so should i do that?
um what else? oh i tried coffee for the first time ever. that was disgusting. lol it was something called cevada. it is just a coffee replacement for people who can´t drink coffee, but want the taste. i don´t know who would. oh heavens it was disgusting. but we bought it for isabel so she could live the word of wisdom. she liked it, too. and was amazed when i was like ummmm you can keep this. lol.
we have made around 15 new investigators this week, but the problem is everyone is going places for christmas. so we can´t teach them FOREVER. annoying. i have a funny story about a family we just taught. but i don´t have time right now. so when i call, ask me about the lesson where the kid got punched in the face. sound good? anna and gabriel are good, but always busy! so that is tough.
ummmm the english lessons are just great. we are having lunch with that family today, which is odd. because normally on P-day, we don´t have lunch with members. but i am psyched. the lady makes chocolate for her job. they have a business. the stuff is amazing. i love it. but it doesn´t compare to mom´s fudge. oh and fruitcake....bleh. we will discuss that on friday.
we have our christmas conference this wednesday in Londrina. we are going to take a bus at 10:00 tomorrow night and drive there for 9 hours. so psyched. seriously. i love night bus rides when the entire bus is just missionaries. president leal is going to give us a little party, because it is his last christmas here. i will be receiving the packages and letters at the conference. i will wait till christmas.
dad - it sounds like the sports world is good. cardinals might make a run at it again. i predicted that they would win the super bowl during one of the two years that i was in brazil. so i hope that comes true. how are the suns? and mark´s putting green just gave you an unfair advantage. anddd tiger/cheetah is the most disappointing story in the sports world for a while to me.
mom - i have yet to buy an umbrella. for some reason, 10 reais is just way too expensive. but we are going to wal mart today - well, BIG - but it is owned by wal mart. so they might have a good one for pretty cheap. ummm thank you for the vitamin K. i am super psyched to take one more pill. lol i forgot to mention sister leal made me go to the hospital this week!! because i have sores all over my body from bugs and stuff. the doctor gave me a bunch of pills. he told me i have to wear repellent when i go to bed at night. not excited for that. but whatever. and yes i am drinking more water.
andddd i am super jealous about the snowboarding experience for blake. haha i am glad that him and rob are having fun though. i will be one of those return brazil missionaries in a while and then me and yuma will be like blake and rob lol. we already planned out this kind of stuff in the CTM lol. but i am super psyched to see Yuma again at the christmas conference!
anyway i am running out of time! i love you all and am SO psyched to talk to you all on Christmas.
mom and lauren - mom i am sorry that you are losing your hang out buddy. but at least lauren gets to have a new start without all the drama from the salon. lauren don´t be scared. i love you and everyone there will love you too. :) just be yourself. you are amazing. and mom and dad will be empty nesters yikes. but i am sure they will find the upsides relatively soon lol
morgan - sorry i couldn´t write back! but i love you and i loved your letter. stuart - keep studying!! remember that your relationship is more important than anything else though. soooo love each other :) goodness i give such great advice.
dad - i will beat you in golf, don´t worry. lol i love you and i am psyched to talk to you about...whatever experiences you wanted to share.
blake - keep need to be able to keep up with me when i get home. ;)
e. scott ghormley!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Year One, Letter Sixteen
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Year One, Letter Fifteen
ok mom, you forgot to say, "Scott, send us your favorite scripture!" But i am incredibly diligent and enjoy doing that. SO i remembered. It is Jacob 4: 6 - 8. I shared it this week in a message and i loved it. Thus and therefore, it is the favorite scripture of the week.
ok so you all seemed pretty upset that i waited till the last minute of my last letter to tell you about Junior´s baptism - oh, and yes, i got pictures with him - so i won´t wait this time. We baptized Elisangela yesterday right after church. :) it was amazing. i thought at the beginning of the day, that i would just be dragging because i had a headache and i was really sore from my bed, so i wasn´t too stoked about anything. but i love the members of this ward. they are all so amazing. as soon as i started talking to them and laughing and stuff, my whole day got so much better. during sacrament, junior received the holy ghost, and then right after church, elisangela was baptized. it was so amazing. she was so ready and her testimony is so strong. she is only 17 and she is married. her husband has been inactive for 9 years but now we have them going to church. i am glad i write in my journal every night, because the feeling was just incredible. when she came back into the chapel, she was glowing. like literally. elder cabral always messes around and covers his eyes and says, " ay! cara, muito gloriosa!" and normally i am like yeahhhhh so he is a nerd. but she was seriously glowing. i was just like, "Whoaaaa..."
so that was amazing. i got pictures with them too. she came up to me afterwards and tried to give me a hug and i was like NO i can´t! and she was like uhhhh yes you can! and then the relief society president came swooping out of no where and was like WAIT! he is NOT allowed to hug girls! i don´t know why i told you that story. it was really funny to me at the time.
anyway, so dad -
junior´s family is ok with it. they were pretty interested and we are waiting for the ok from junior to teach them. the mom has a problem though. she just had an abortion, and her and junior got in a big fight about it. he was pretty stressed and worried about that but we had a feeling to visit him that day and when we got there and talked with him and comforted him, he was better.
i can´t believe that about tiger. what an idiot. i wonder how that is going to affect his game. ay caracca. and it sounds like the rest of the sports world is pretty bland. but cardinals are winning the division?? crazy!! i hope they keep it up. and the suns need to pick it up. and i hope BYU trashes UoA. and finally...yeah you are going to destroy me. lol how did you do in the tournament with Gary and Tim??
the temple sounds great. did Mark really enjoy it?? was he kinda a little weirded out or what?? i can´t wait to be able to go to a temple again. i think the next time i will is when i am in the mesa temple again.
oh and i finally have an address!!!! it is Av. Mario Filho, 1814, Apt. 6. Morumbi II, Foz do Iguaçu, Parana 85859 - 000
I hope that works...
I will be keeping David in my prayers. i am currently writing a letter to jake. i hope he is doing well. i also wrote to Hyrum. i will be sending that today. how is everyone else doing? any info on Connor and Jackson??
and mom -
i think the camera had something to do with the rain and humidity. it is doing ok now. if it happens again, i will be sending it home. but as for now, it is doing ok.
thank you for all your fasting and prayers. they help so much. the language is picking up. still tough as heck. but picking up. we have another high potential to be baptized. it is jackeline. she was going to come to church yesterday, and if she had she would be marked for baptism next week. but she had...female troubles. she was dying yesterday from a pain that - being male and everything - i cannot give sufficient details. but she wants to come next week and be baptized next week. we will visit her a few more times this week to see how she is doing. she is awesome. we thought she was going to give it up after we taught law of chastity because she sleeps in the same room with her boyfriend...even though she is only 14. so we were like ok whatever this will probably be it. but instead, she tells her dad after the lesson that she needs a new room so that she can´t sleep in the same room with her bf. so, he starts building a new room in their house the next day. so she has her own room now. amazing? i thought so too.
i don´t really understand testimony gloves, but i am sure that i will when they arrive. your temple work sounds amazing. especially about your mom. :) that must be so exciting.
i am super psyched to talk to you guys in a few weeks. that will be awesome. and i am glad you are all enjoying the christmas holidays. haha i know it is always so fun to get everything set up, but it is always so worth it afterwards. you will have to send pictures of our christmas - decorated house.
oh and if i can play golf with president leal, that would be spectacular. i can´t even imagine how bad i would be though...and i will listen to sister leal about the water and such. i don´t want to deal with hospitals and doctors in brazil to be honest..
andddd lauren -
i know i very rarely have time to share my words of wisdom with you personally, and i know you always have such a strong desire to hear them, so here we go. lol.
thank you for your diagnosis of my camera. it doesn´t like wet, humid areas and it doesn´t like hot areas either. perfect. why didn´t i think of this?!
um assistants to the president have a ton of responsibility. they travel all over the mission to the different areas and they have a lot of work for the president, but they don´t usually get to teach a lot of people. and zone leaders travel a lot and do lots of baptismal interviews and go on lots of trades. i mean i wouldn´t complain if i got a calling, because i know that God is the one calling me. but i would prefer to just be a really good missionary lol.
my face is doing good. i have a few little break outs, but i am getting used to it. the food is good. but i have found several bugs in my food. you wouldn´t survive lol. but yeah there are certain things that i will NEVER eat again after the mission. i ate chicken heart and liver for the first time. you would have liked
i saw a commercial the other day for the movie Just Like Heaven and it reminded me of when we would watch it during my haircuts. lol yeah it made me miss you.
anddddd the news about the salon is great. i mean it can seem annoying to be in the law suit situation, but you are safe. sandy can´t do crap. she is just incredibly annoying. anddd this crap with you and...that girl that used to be a really good even more annoying. i would have slapped her. hard. but now you have a better job and you are happier :)
lauren, don´t be worried about utah. i know it can be scary to start over again with a bunch of girls and other people that you don´t know, but you are so tough and you have been through so much, but you still have one of the most amazing hearts out of anyone i know. everyone will love you if you just be you. and you have mom just a phone call away :) and you get to call her like....a lot. i only get to call twice a year lol.
i love you all so much. thank you for everything. i love being able to hear the updates every week. oh and i am super psyched for those packages to get here. i can´t wait to read dad´s christmas letter either.
love you all.
till next week
elder scott ghormley
oh and our christmas conference will be december 21st. that will be cool. i will see elder yuma again. lol and we will be able to speak...some more portuguese than the last time we saw each other.
love you all! peace.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Year One, Letter Fourteen
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Year One, Letter Thirteen
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Scott Arrives at the Brazil Londrina Mission Home

We are writing to inform you that on October 30th 2009, Elder Ghormley arrived very well in the Brazil Londrina Mission field. We were very happy to meet him and to know that from now on he is part of this great and wonderful army of the Savior. After a long wait and much preparation, he along with many other missionaries arrived at the mission home safely and very excited. They had lunch, and after a great testimony meeting he learned who would be his companion
The Brazil Londrina Mission is a blessed land where many people are hearing and accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ in such a joyous way. It is an honor for us to be able to receive your son in this area, and we know that this is possible only because you have so lovingly taught, guided and cared for him until he could arrive here. We want you to know that we will strive to fulfill all his needs, and will take care of him as if he were our own son. Thank you for trusting us with your son for this short yet fundamental period of time in his life!
We are at your disposal to help in any way during this time.
With gratefulness and love,
President and Sister Leal
Monday, November 16, 2009
Year One, Letter Twelve

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Year One, Letter Eleven

Hey everyone!
Quick Updates:
Favorite Scripture: 2 Nephi 32: 3,5
Health: I may or may not have heat rash. Or humidity rash. Or detergent rash...? Or new soap rash? Or maybe food allergies? Surprise, surprise here in Brazil, nobody knows!! So as of now I have a huge rash across my entire chest and stomach. How awesome is that, right?
Weather: Probably the reason I have a rash. It has rained for the last 3 days. And by rain, I don´t mean a light drizzle. I mean we got pounded for 11 to 12 hours a day for 3 days straight and then it just was normal rain for the other hours of those days. Who said not to bring an umbrella? So the weather is...Brazil. It was 43 to 45 degrees Celsius the days that it didn´t rain. Meaning it was around 110 to 114 degrees Farenheit. With humidity. LOTS of humidity. I will explain why when i get to the "area" portion. During December and January it is supposed to get to around 48 to 51 degrees Celsius. Meaning 118 to 123 Farenheit. WITH humidity. I am going to die. Hey mom, remember that day I was born?? Yeah, me neither. But anyway, I will die at the same temperature that i was born in. Only this time, there will be humidity. :) I am pretty sure I have never sweated or walked this much in my life. Gotta love it.
Trainer: Ok so my trainer is Elder Cabral. Surprise, he is Brazilian. He is from Santa Catarina (sp?). He speaks faster than most high school cheerleaders. The problem is Portuguese. Thus and therefore, I cannot understand. I have to tell him probably 8 or 9 times per day to slow down. No joke. I have to have him repeat things about 3 times before I can finally understand. I believe that my brain is in a stage of confusion. It is registering Portuguese but not at the right speed. So i hear an entire sentence as one sound. Sometimes two. Oh and people from Santa Catarina don´t pronounce the entire word. Even people here can´t understand him sometimes. He says "est..." instead of "estAR" or "começ..." instead of "começAR". So it is way hard. One of his sentences sounds like one or two words. It is very frustrating. I have prayed for patience and understanding all the time. And that maybe if God wants, He can just make me fluent overnight. But I said that I would leave that one up to Him. But we get along ok. He has a strange sense of humor. But that is just how Brazilians are. He is friendly and we both try to understand each other. So for the most part, I just need to learn to speak portuguese at the speed of light and we can be good friends. No big, right?
Area: So this is the moment you have all been waiting for. My area. Ok so when they changed the boundaries to the Londrina mission, they cut about 55 percent of it out. They added a part of the Curitiba (sp?) mission, though. That part that they added included Iguaçu Falls. AKA the second largest set of waterfalls in the entire world. Guess what my area is? Hey you are right! Foz do Iguaçu. The Catarattas. Iguaçu Falls, Foz Centro. That is my zone/area combo. It is soooooo humid. And so hot. the area I am in is ridiculous. We have this street that is like the hardcore rich people street. i see incredibly nice cars in this one area and tons of nice stores and all kinds of stuff ( oh and as a side note - they have lingerie stores everywhere in the rich area. why is this important? it isn´t. it is just incredibly awkward, because they have actual models. like, live models. wearing the lingerie. in windows. talk about strange.) Anyway. SO yeah it is very rich. but then we walk about 2 miles or so to our area where we teach and there are so many poor people and we teach in the favelas and stuff and that is pretty tough.
It is hard because the people that we are teaching just don´t have potential. I mean you have as much faith as you can but the bottom line is that they don´t have the desire. I mean if they let you teach the first lesson, and then they pray and go to church and receive an answer, then you have lesson 2 and 3. meaning you have to commit them to baptism and the gospel. which most people have a ton of trouble with. then you get to lesson 4. law of chastity and word of wisdom and keeping sabbath day holy are dang near impossible. people don´t want to get married, they don´t want to stop drinking and smoking, and they don´t want to walk all the way to church. it is soooo hard and has been a big struggle for me. but i am praying. and i will keep praying.
when i can get this language out of the way and actually get to my permanent address (yeah, i am the only elder from my district without a permanent address yet because the house i was supposed to go to was given to the sisters so now i am in a house with 4 other elders and my comp) i think i will be able to deal with a lot more.
i know this is a struggle. missions aren´t supposed to be easy. but i know i am supposed to be here. i just have a lot that i still need to know. it has been hard, but i know that with the help of the Lord, i will be able to adapt.
anyway. sorry that i couldn´t respond to everyone. i only have an hour and i had a lot to catch everyone up on.
i love you all! thank you all for the emails this week. they were all awesome.
i should be emailing every p-day from 11 to 12 our time so like 6 to 7 your time?? pretty sure.
love you all!
E. Scott Ghormley
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Year One, Letter Ten
NOTICE: My P-day is now MONDAY. That´s right. I will now be emailing on Mondays because...that´s just how it is.
Scripture: 2 Nephi 31: 18 - 20 (20 is most important)
It is most important because that is what my mission will take...lots and lots of perseverance. This language is ridiculous. I can barely understand a thing. I got really frustrated because it is so tough. Especially in the morning. I have trouble functioning normally in the morning, but now you have to toss in the fact that I have two guys speaking more Portuguese than I can register. Which leads me into the week...
Brazil just got crazier. We finally left the CTM. FINALLY...? Once we were out in the real world, i realized how much i loved the CTM. lots of food, lots of people who speak English, lots of time to do what we need, bathrooms, closets, beds, lol etc. butttt not anymore. We left at 3:45 in the morning and flew to Londrina. We met the mission President. President Leal is pretty cool. He seems to know what he is doing, anyway. So, we had lunch, interviewed with him, then we were told to pack up enough clothes for 3 days and were put in a bus. We had to leave all of our other things in the church by his apartment. I was not happy about that at all. We were dropped off in little groups. My friend from the district in the CTM, Elder Burt, and I were dropped off (literally, like tossed out of a van) onto a sidewalk and we waited for our new companions. They are both Brazilian. One is named Elder Costa and the other is Elder Filadélfia. It was ridiculous. They know very little English. We are in a place called Cambé and we were taken to the apartment for about 10 minutes and then we took off. We taught one lesson with all 4 of us about the plan of salvation and how we can be with our families forever and then we were split. I went with Elder Filadélfia and we taught for about 5 hours or so and then went home. it is nuts how tired i am at the end of the day. we teach and walk around and then teach some more. we walk like 10 or 15 miles per day. it is so crazy. but we are only going to be here (probably) for these 3 days. today around 5 we are going BACK to Londrina so that we can meet our real trainers and go to our real areas. I just don´t understand this nonsense. but hopefully everything will start going smoother and we can get going. so far, though, it has been a bit of a roller coaster. at least these guys are cool and they try to help.
we had a water balloon fight this morning. that was the beginning to our p-day lol. after personal and comp study we had a water balloon fight, got some ice cream, and went to the bank. very interesting, neh?
anyway. so normally i can answer all of your questions, but now i don´t have any to answer. i know i am here for a reason and that if i put my trust and faith in God that he will help me. i have been doing the best i can to do that. because i know that i will need help.
um the people are really cool. they are nice most of the time. they feed us a lot. on fast sunday, for lunch, we went to this lady´s house and she gave us - take a guess - rice and beans, spaghetti, guarana, salad, and carne. i think that was it. but it was delicious. i wonder how much time it will be before i can´t eat anymore rice and beans lol. but fast sunday was cool. i bore my testimony for the first time in a portuguese ward. and it was actually in portuguese. but that was awesome.
what elseeeeee.
blake - thanks a lot for your email last week. at least i think it was last week. it has been an incredibly long week. but thank you. i would try and respond in portuguese but there is no way i could do that in the time we are given. but it was exactly what i needed to hear. i read it this morning again and it helped because i was a little overwhelmed.
well i have run out of time. i love you all and i miss you all! hopefully i will have time to write next week instead of just reading 2 weeks worth of updates!
love you!
E. Scott Ghormley
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Year One, Letter Nine
I am glad I still have the ability and the touch to create an enjoyable letter. It is tough to get that emotion into it via email...ya know?
That is great that Troy won. 900K for one tournament? Yeah i would say that is pretty spectacular.
I didn´t see Connor today, meaning I won´t get to see him. That´s rough. I really wanted to see him before i took off. but he gets to enjoy a lot more cereal and real ice cream in provo. so i guess he can enjoy that while he gets the chance. Jackson must be pretty psyched...learning Estonian? are you kidding me? i couldn´t handle the CTM for more than 9 weeks, but he is there so much longer! Good Luck to him. I will have to send a few emails his way when i can get his address.
Yeahhhhh about the pictures. I didn´t really realize that I had that option for red eyes. I will have to set that up. I can´t believe that it got there that fast though. that is awesome. and i didn´t mark delievery confirmation. they just did that themselves. and the color swirls were semi on purpose. i just put my camera on a really high exposure rate and set the lens to stay open for 5 seconds. just night mode. so those were supposed to be there lol. and i guess i will have to actually look at the pictures i send home rather than just send every single one of them home haha. i am gunna get more pictures with my whole district tonight. and one with elder ruiz. oh and there is an irmão severo here who has a pic of blake and elder ameida or almeida? one of blake´s comps. anyway. he flipped when he saw me...i guess GHORMLEY isn´t a very common brazilian name....who woulda known?
Elder Scott´s fireside was great. Just talking about how we can make our missions the best we can and what it is that we need to do to make sure we give ourselves that chance. I did in fact shake his hand. I was a lot taller than him though. That was odd. I pictured all of the apostles looking like President Monson. But he had such a strong testimony. It was amazing to hear him speak. But yeah, his testimony was so strong and it just testified that to me. It was awesome.
That stake conference for you guys actually tied in with a talk i gave on Sunday. I spoke about how we can draw closer to God through the 9 attirbutes of christ and one that i added. it was pretty dang good surprisingly. You see, i prepared a talk every week and never had to give it. I just bore my testimony a couple times on fast sunday. so i was like ok i am not gunna prepare a talk this week because it is just pointless. and go figure, i get called. along with half of my district. so everyone talks about an attribute of Christ and i just went with the idea of the spirit guiding me. so i got up and talked about something that elder eyring said and went off of that. it went very well. but i know that as we follow those attributes, we will be able to forgive others and rid ourselves of the hate that is in our hearts. as we do this, we will hear the spirit so much stronger. President Monson said two things in conference that come to mind now. He said that the Spirit has never, and will never dwell in an environment of contention and hate. And he also said that anger doesn´t solve anything, it builds nothing, but it destroys everything. When i was thinking about that i realized how true it is. whenever i was really mad or annoyed at someone or something, it always coinicides with a time i didn´t have the spirit with me. and that led to rash and stupid decisions. so i know that as we do our best to follow those attributes and follow Christ´s example, we will be so much happier and successful in all we do.
I know that life won´t always be easy, especially here. I just heard that Londrina is one of the harder baptizing missions in Brazil because it is a lot more affluent and people don´t think they need humility so much. But I know that as i follow those attributes and have patience and love, everything works out. I heard a pretty cool quote this week. It said: "The Lord doesn´t require anything you don´t have - He just requires everything you´ve got. Give Him everything you have, and He will give you what you lack." So I know that even as I struggle, if I give Him my all, He will help me to overcome all. So if I get upset or if something bad happens during my mission, I can overcome it.
Thank you so much for all your love and support. I can´t wait to take off and get to Londrina. We leave at 4 AM on Friday morning. We will have a flight from 6:25 till 7:30. We will have all of our meetings and then lunch and then we might be meeting our trainers and teaching later that night. I am so psyched. Terrified. Absolutely scared out of my mind. But SO stoked.
I love you all so much! Next time you hear from me, I will be in Londrina. Pretty tight, huh?
Love you!
Elder Ghormley
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Year One, Letter Eight
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Year One, Letter Seven
Um favorite scripture...let´s go with 2 Nephi 30:8.
Yes, conference was amazing. thank you for reminding me of the wonderful hours of sleep that i used to enjoy. but i guess listening to the speakers was a fair substitute. lol
Mom, i think you are incredibly good at family history. and i´m not making fun of you. i admire that ability of yours. i am just saying that i may or may not have a time in my life where i am interested in it. but i probably won´t. haha but that is because you will have it all done by the time i get home from my mission. i don´t think i can trace anyway back beyond 20 AD. just sayin...
Oh and that Survivor Man is a personal favorite. they did it as a promotion for Will Ferrell´s movie Land of the Lost. and also to kinda make him seem real about it. but it was hilarious. i loved that one. he is quite possibly the least like Survivor Man out of anyone i will ever see.
Anyway. So I have just over one week left!! They are considering having us leave on the 21st now. If not, the 23rd. And if they decide to just totally fail at planning, the 27th. I am so psyched to finally get out into the field. I am going to just start pounding the Portuguese into my head here pretty soon. Maybe i won´t sleep and just study instead? We kinda accidentally had that situation in our room a few nights ago. Elder Ellis, Elder Yuma, and I ended up reading the Book of Mormon for like 3 hours. and none of us seemed to realize it. But it was pretty cool. I really hope i get a bomb trainer. that would be pretty splendid. Speaking of trainers...remember that one guy who trained Blake? I think his name was Adam Wadsworth? Yeah that seems right...guess where he is from? Roseburg, Oregon. Oh yeah that one kid who is my companion...also from Roseburg, Oregon. Elder Yuma was friends with Adam Wadsworth and his younger brother Clayton Wadsworth (who is on a mission in Germany). There is a little fun fact for you! I am pretty sure that there is a reason that Yuma and I are companions.
I can´t wait for the field. I know that it is going to be so hard and that it will probably be the hardest work of my life so far, but it will also be the most amazing two years of my life. I know that i haven´t really been met with many challenges growing up in our little bubble of Mesa, AZ. I mean when Organic Chemistry is on my top 5 list of hardest things ever, i think that is kinda lucky. So, i know that i have incredibly hard work ahead of me. but we did this thing in our district where we all told each other something we noticed about each person and something we learned or hoped to adopt into our lives. and i was told by about half of my district how hard of a worker i am and how i can be so powerful and spiritual but still have the ability to have fun and not be overwhelmed. which is something that i never really took the time to notice, but i am glad that they pointed it out to me. Irmão Ruiz told me that he sees so much of Blake in me and that is something that I really was proud of because he said what a powerful missionary Blake was and told me that Blake left a lasting effect on so many people here and that they will never forget him. If that is something that people see in me, then maybe i will be able to be that amazing missionary that can change the lives of so many people.
Anyway, so i went to this photo place today and got all of my pictures put onto a cd for 6 reais. i will be sending it home today. ummmm oh and also, Elder RIchard G. Scott will be coming to the CTM. he is going to give a devotional. here is the problem: he will probably come on either the 24th, or 25th. soooo if we leave early i don´t get to see him. how awful right? that is the only reason i kinda wanna stay. but whatever happens, happens. what else? um OH! we go proselyting in the middle of São Paulo this Friday. like, big city. kinda scared. but super stoked. it is going to be so bomb. The district that left this morning told us how tight it was. It sucked that they had to leave because they were the district that we were all really good friends with. They are going to João Pessoa. it is super hot there. they told us that the white shirts and garments don´t keep out the sun, so they still get tan but they will have a tan line from where their tie hangs. what lucky guys. lol at least it doesn´t get to -2 degrees Celsius in their area. Oh and along with that district were the other two remaining Mountain View guys. so i am the only one representing Mesa, AZ now. lol at least until Connor gets here. Could you PLEASE send me connor, jackson, and hyrum´s information? like emails and stuff like that. that would be awesome.
well i haven´t got my package yet, and i am really hoping it gets here soon. do you remember what day you sent it?? and as a reminder!!
my mission home is:
Elder Scott Cleland Ghormley
Brazil Londrina Mission
Av. Higienópolis, 1100, Sala 61
86001-970 Londrina, PR
Telephone # - 55 43 3324 9346
and for the return addresses of anything you send, put the mission home address. i will give you the address of the first place i stay asap.
i love you guys so much and i miss you! i can´t believe it has been 2 months. how crazy is that. and this is supposed to be the slow part of the mission. anyway! love you guys! tchau!
- Elder Ghormley
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Year One, Letter Six
I have just finished reading First and Second Nephi again and I am probably going to finish
Jacob and Enos real quick tonight. Elder Yuma and I are going to be reading as much as possible in Portuguese so that we can learn faster.
I am glad that the family history is coming along and that you found some obscure
names from the 1400's and 1500's. haha
I guess I haven´t found the joy in that yet but maybe in time I will...
TRC was really cool. Yeah, the kids who we taught were all just members who volunteered to come to the CTM that day. The ages were just scattered. There were some that were probably only 12 or 13 and others that were getting ready for their own missions. It really helps to try and teach Brazilians instead of just the same kids in your district over and over again. Oh and for my Portguese scriptures...I got some cheap cases, and I am hoping to find someone out in the field that can make a set like Blake´s. There is a lady at the CTM that does it but it would be like 70 Reais or something so I think I will wait.
That story about Dusty was crazy!! I told you that house was haunted. I probably would have just kinda frozen there. Or maybe I would have tried to talk to him? I mean that might be an interesting convo right there. I am not surprised that he couldn´t sleep after about creepy!!
Anyway what are the updates...
My two brazilian roommates left today. I was teaching them english but I guess english is a little too hard to learn in the 19 days that they are here. one of them is getting on a 10 hour flight back to Mozambique where he will serve his mission. Talk about awful, but at least he will only be a few hours from home.
We went to the São Paulo temple again today. It was amazing. I absolutely loved it. That temple is so beautiful. The stained glass is amazing. The feeling there is awesome.
Conference weekend!! I can´t believe I never watched all 5 sessions before. I took 18 pages of notes and I still don´t think that was enough. It was amazing. The priesthood session was so awesome and I don´t think I have ever heard a testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon like the one Elder Holland gave. I am pretty sure the entire auditorium went completely silent when he finished. The spirit was so ridiculously amazing after that. Well, before that, too. I thought my testimony was strong, but after his talk, I could never deny what it is that I know. It is unbelieveable how amazing conference was. I keep going over my notes and I am using them in lessons and stuff when I can.
We went proselyting for our first time on Friday. It was so crazy. Sorry, I use the word "crazy" a lot. But it was. I gave out the first Book of Mormon to this guy who was sitting on the sidewalk selling honey...or maybe alcohol? We aren´t really sure, but he was selling a golden substance in an un-labelled bottle. Erego, we decided that it was one of those two. And then we gave one to this lady at a bus stop. I never thought I would be able to communicate with these people after many weeks? 6 or so? But we could. It was amazing. And we also gave one to this guy on his smoke break. I just really wish I could find out what ever will happen to those people. I already love the people here so much.
I can´t wait to get out into the field.
Elders Johnston, Jeffrey, Steadman, and Christensen left this morning.
We will be getting out of here pretty dang soon!
I am still loving it here. Not enjoying all of the rules....but we still follow them, so don´t worry. We have heard about some of the pretty big disasters is getting pretty crazy in the world.
I think I got a sense of a little more warning in this last conference.
Not so much about food storage as it was to get ready and buckle up...
Elder Yuma and I are still getting along great and the lessons and language are going great.
I love you guys all so much and thank you so much for the love and support.
I gotta go!!
Elder Ghormley