Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Year Two, Letter Six

hey everyone!

so this week has been different. Like I said, fernandes was gone for

the conference, so we didn´t get to work in my area too often.

unfortunately, that means some things have changed. for example, i

have NO CLUE whatsoever where José Roberto is. I have called and gone

to his house repeatedly, and the guy isn´t ever there. Ever. I don´t

know what I can do for him. I wonder if his break-up with Rosa (the

member he was dating) has been an element in the things that have been

going on. i am not sure if he wants to be baptized or if he was trying

to do something to show Rosa that he changed or something like that.

the guy just disppeared.

Conference was AMAZING. as always. but i am pretty sure that is the

first time in like 8 years that i didn´t watch the priesthood

session...odd. i really wish i had been there, but apparently watching

the prophet and apostles speak directly to the priesthood holders of

the church isn´t a good enough reason to show up a tiny bit later in

the house. but the talks were amazing. i watched the saturday and

sunday sessions. all 4. it was so bomb. the only things missing??

WAFFLES. BACON AND EGGS. OUR FAMILY ROOM. lol but elder loftus and i

were able to work some magic and watch in english again :) i feel

pretty special. i felt the spirit incredibly strong. i feel like the

bigger topics that i was able to pick up were: the importance of our

PERSONAL testimony of the truth (kinda like what you were telling me

in your email mom); the importance of a testimony of the prophets in

our days; and the importance of fortifying the family from the

darkness of the world. it was a great experience.

Lillian and Jennifer went to the conference. They liked it a lot...and

then the member of the Young Women Presidency started talking about

modesty and morality and they felt really awkward. they aren´t exactly

practicing either. Lillian is much more mature and has a bigger desire

to follow the gospel. When we taught the Word of Wisdom and the Law of

Chastity, she was willing to try her best. The other people we were

teaching (including Jennifer) said that it will be too hard. Their

goal? they are going to try and reduce the sexual relationships to

once every 5 days. yes, that is serious. I can wait while you read it


Sergio also went to conference. He loved it. He doesn´t feel prepared

to be baptized yet, and he won´t be in the city this week. But we are

going to work super hard to help him get there soon. He has potential.

He just has to see it.

Alex and "Light" (Jonathan) are doing good. They are progressing. The

Assistants got to our area yesterday. They are here to...I really

don´t know what they are here for. But they worked with us last night.

I went with Elder Galdino. He was with me in Marília. He is tight. So

we already work very well together. We taught Light about baptism and

he wasn´t sure because he was baptized already in the Catholic church.

But we taught a bomb lesson and he said that he will prepare himself

to be interviewed this saturday. He said that if he does well in the

baptismal interview and if he feels good about it, he will be baptized

on saturday. we´ll see. Alex can´t be baptized yet. We are working

with him. But he is awesome. He is reading the Book of Mormon and

praying sincerely. And he and his family love us. Because

the first time I went there was with Miller. Then he left and I went

there with Almeida and Loftus. And they don´t work in this area. Then

i went there with Galdino. So they just see me with a bunch of other

missionaries. So they already think i will stay here forever. But we

are working with these two.

We received new material from the first presidency for missionary

work. it is the new curriculum (spelling?) for missionaries. We have

new focuses. We have several things to change and put into practice

and then we will have to report on the changes in the mission and in

our work. it is pretty good. i will be giving a training tomorrow

about the importance of prayer with our investigators. it should be



psyched about that. Is it wrong if i use that as one more testimony

that the church is true? i bet so. blasphemous. but parabéns para

vocês! and i didn´t know that we lost the ryder cup. people don´t

mention golf down here as you can imagine.

as for my comp? he is odd. and he focuses way too much on numbers. but

i am not gunna let him get to me. if i have learned one thing on the

mish, it is that you just need to work and forget about the annoying

stuff. and now i have learned that "tronky" is, in fact, spelled

"trunky." desculpe aí, mom. blake, you can laugh at that. haha :)

the rain here was nuts. i can´t remember when it started. it went for

a while. all i know is that it stopped on monday. imagine how

difficult it was to dry clothes!

morgan and stuart, i am really happy that stuart was able to get that

job! but what do you mean "rock" handshake? stuart can´t possibly have

one of those :) and i hope you can get back on track with work, too,


dad...i hope that you are able to handle the schedule changes with

your new calling. I just think of it this way...God called you. He

knows you are capable just like I know you are capable. You are the

right person for the calling. God will bless you. I think it is far

easier to say this when you aren´t involved in the situation. haha

mom...what do you mean you will have to bronze our shoes? lol OH! The

package info. Alright so if it is above 50 dollars, it gets taxed. and

i didn´t want a buzzer like the one to actually cut hair. just the one

that blake got with the various attatchments AFTER his mission. I

don´t want to shave my head. it was more for the little maintenance on

sideburns and at the back and stuff. not to actually shave my head

lol. for Christmas?! dang. that is a crazy thought. um my socks are

holding up very well actually. crazy. shirts? no, i will just keep on

with the ones i am using. I saved 3 short-sleeved shirts until my one

year mark. so i think i am good. my shoes? yikes. they have been

through a lot. but i am going to keep going with these shoes. i don´t

know. what were you thinking of sending? just to give me some ideas.


alright well i am good. other than my elbow which i just hit on the

desk directly on the funny bone. and holy crap, it ISN`T funny.

whoever gave it that name needs to be swiftly kicked in the rear end.

but i am good. and healthy. and just going. i love you all a ton and

never get sick of letting you know that. i miss you all and hope that

you guys have a splendid week. :)

till next week. tchau!

elder scott ghormley

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