Friday, April 1, 2011

Year Two, Letter Thirty

Don´t worry. I am okay. Everyone take a deep breath.

Yeah. so okay. what is goin on with everyone? is everyone happy? healthy?

Scripture: Moroni 7. good stuff.

So I had physiotherapy all last week and it will continue this week.
Based on the X-rays, a stress fracture that happened when i was still
at home (one of the many times that i came home with a rolled ankle
that i never let heal) became inflamed and irritated. It happened
because of the impact combined with weight and a shoe that isn´t built
to walk thousands and thousands of miles. So, the stress fracture that
had partially healed before the mission was going to fracture again.
Thankfully, it wasn´t able to fracture because I noticed the pain. So
all of this adds up to what?
1. I am currently doing physiotherapy.
2. I am not supposed to walk, but I kinda just laughed and told my doctor
that this wouldn´t be possible.
3. I took medicine last week and I am
currently using two machines to decrease the inflammation and pain.
4. I am still wondering why this happened after a year
and a half of my mission.
5. No one needs to worry...I am taking care of business.
So, I will continue working and I will probably finish my pyhsiotherapy
next week. I brought my ankle braces that i used to play basketball
with me. So if there is any necessity, I will use them.


So that is awesome to hear about your project, Dad. I hope that you
are able to rock it in Florida. Maybe the humidity will help you to
feel a little closer to your son in Brazil.

Is Scott excited to go to the temple? Why has it taken so long? Was he
doing the preparatory class? Has Katy gotten better?

I am super sad that i wasn´t able to help pull weeds. I bet Lauren
would have helped pull at least 79 of them. I have gotten used to
Brazilian weeds and service projects...meaning that Arizona weeds
won´t even compare.

I am gunna be honest. That was a blow to the gut when you said that
Tyson came home. WHAT HAPPENED?? How did he give up after so long?
Hasn´t it been 6 months already? Did he come home because his friends
were giving up? I need to write Jack. And Hyrum.


Hey Mom, how was that conference? Did everything go well? As for
dinner reservations...i can mark my reservations right now. I will be
eating dinner frequently in your a while.

I will not give my opinion publicly about that thing that you said
about that one thing. If you understand my meaning. But i think i will
agree with you. Whatever is best is what i am rooting for. So i hope
that everyone can be happy.

What is Clear Channel? Why does Stuart want to work there?

I AM SO PSYCHED FOR THE WEDDING!!! Johny and Moira were getting kinda
nervous but I got Johny on Sunday and took him into the bishop´s
office to get everything settled. We are gunna have the wedding on
saturday at 10:00 AM. and then we are going to have conference on
saturday and sunday and so they are going to push the baptism to a day
during the week. and then we will have a little party for them and
invite everyone from the ward. it will be good. unfortunately i will
not be able to dance with anyone. maybe i can do that one chicken
dance from all the church dances from back in the day?

This nonsense in Libya is definitely annoying. I hope that they get it
under control quick. Because the USA doesn´t have enough money for
more wars.


So jackson got his first taste of a milkshake huh? boa sorte. já era.
he will only want chocolate now. that is why i blame dad for my sweet
tooth. i am 100% certain that it was him who gave me a taste of
chocolate or ice cream when i was 6 or 7 months old.
but what can you do?

If you think your legs are white....what would you call mine? that was
just a rude comment. all around rude. and just so you know...i am the
only person you know that LOVES mondays. because it is p-day.
missionaries are the only race of people that like mondays. woohoo!!!


i hope you get the email i sent to you.


eu acho que você precisa tomar cuidado. e o elder piano quer falar
para você que você precisa tomar cuidado com suas danças da pizza. se
vc conseguir entender, pode me falar. porque eu tô por fora agora. mas
eu amo vc. e seja feliz.

so i am super psyched for conference. last one of the mish. but that
means that it will be the best. and i will be able to be more
spiritually prepared.

oh yeah...i forgot to explain why we are using internet today and not
yesterday. so it goes like this. yesterday, we had to leave at 4:00 AM
to get a bus at 5:30 AM to Foz do Iguaçu. Right around 8:00 AM we were
at the terminal and getting another bus. Right around 8:40 AM I was
changing clothes and putting on some comfortable walking shoes. And
right around 9:30 AM I was on the trail of one of the natural wonders
of the world. If you weren´t able to understand, I saw the biggest
waterfalls of my life yesterday. :) It took a year and seven months,
but i went to the Falls. And holy crap....they were AMAZING. Like,
WOW. Email definitely doesn´t do them justice. I had so much fun. We
saw the biggest waterfalls on Earth. And there were lots of people
from other countries. An elderly gentleman from England didn´t
understand all the other missionaries speaking in portuguese but then
when i asked if he needed help in english he looked at me and was
like, "Why don´t you speak English ALL the time??" And I really just
wanted to tell him that he had a weird accent. I figure that is what
people told me for the first 6 months in Brazil. He deserved the same
thing. But instead, i just took a picture for him. And there were 3
girls from Canada - a set of twins - that really liked talking with me
and an elder from California. So we just told them to have fun in
brazil and we booked it...President was watching. haha but we weren´t
flirting. it is very difficult to talk about the gospel in english
now, though.

but anyway. i took lots of pictures even though i didn´t have my
camera. i will get all those pics don´t worry. i gotta go. i love you
all. have an awesome week. peace out :)

elder scott ghormley

P.S. I need to know my blood type. thank you :)

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